If you are writing a book that has a Mayo connection...

Dear Writers,

We’re always looking for new books and new opportunities to publish great books.

We have an open submissions policy, which means you can submit whenever you like – you don’t have to email us first to ask, simply e mail us when you are ready. You don’t have to be Irish or from Co. Mayo. Please follow the guidelines below when submitting your work to us.

Now for the bad news: unfortunately it’s very likely that we won’t publish your work. We turn down the vast majority of submissions sent to us by writers and agents as we can only publish a few books each year.

Thanks and we look forward to reading your work!

All at Mayo Books Press



 To submit your work, please send the following to us at

Sample: We’d like to see a good-sized sample of your work (all genres accepted) in a Word doc or PDF. Please send a few chapters (they do not have to be sequential – we want you to wow us, and if the big wow happens in Chapter 4, then by all means send that on to us), or a few short stories. If you don’t have chapters or your short stories vary a lot in length, a good rule of thumb is that we’d like to read roughly 50 pages or 10,000 words.

Cover letter: Tell us a little bit about yourself, your writing experience and your favorite reads.




 Q: What format do you prefer to read in?
Word Doc or PDF, no links to ebooks please.

Q: Should I just send my work to you, and wait for a reply before sending it to other publishers or agents?
We recommend that you send out your work not just to us, but to a lot of other publishers and agents too – in fact we recommend that you build up a long list of publishers (or agents) who might be interested in your work, and that you read this article:

Q: How can I submit my work
By e mail only please to We cannot discuss new submissions over the phone

Q: Will you really read my manuscript? How much of it will you read?
Yes. We absolutely read everything that is sent to us and we will let you know if you would like to proceed or not within 6-8 weeks.

Q: Will you be able to provide feedback about my work?
No, we will be unable to provide any feedback on submissions

Q: Do you publish work from writers outside of Mayo or Ireland?

Q: Do you publish work in translation?
Yes, we are open to working with authors who write in a language other than Irish or English and translating their work into Irish and English


Send your submissions to this address only:

When you submit your manuscript to Mayo Books Press, we note your name and contact information in order to confirm receipt and to allow for follow-up about your work. We do not share this information with any third parties.